
Birthday Extravaganza 23

Years Straight and the party don't stop!!! it dont stop partying and it dont stop partying and it dont stop partying and it dont stop partying and

TLDR Patch Notes;

I got borned

23 years ago to be exact. I'm an odd number again, and I'm only getting older. Crazy.
Lots happened this year. I got a job, I got a boyfriend, I moved out, I struggled to get another job, and most importantly, I started this site up! For realsies! I think a couple of my first followers here saw the site I used to have under a different username (before i changed it to Anthropod to officially "launch" it). I belieeeve I had those two pages launched in 2022? Oh I just checked my profile, yes I did. Wow. I was 21 when I first started getting into web development. I wouldn't consider myself having gotten a tad more serious with it (as serious as you'd consider this website at least) until last year though. I want to say I started working on this around the same time as my birthday ? but I can't say for certain. All I know is that it took me until April to finally upload a new index and home page.

This year has been a really big growing year for me. I've still got a lot of loose skin to grow into, of course, but I'm happy with the steps I've taken so far. For the first time in my life, I feel like I can look back on my life and see an improvement. I don't feel as depressed as I did. I'm not rotting away like I was. I'm doing things and still feeling the energy to do more. That's huge for me. I haven't felt this optimistic for my future since I was a kid who didn't understand the ramifications of an adult future. The way that I know how life works is in cycles and coincidences. I'm trying to only hope that this cyclic upturn sticks around for a little while, instead of worrying for when it'll turn downwards again.

I wanted to get some free wings from a local restaurant for dinner with my boyfriend, because they have a birthday special, but they were CLOSED FOR REASONS BEYOND ANYONE'S CONTROL. Annoying! Sucks that we wasted about an hour of travel total only to end up getting Subway. 12 dollars for a footlong sub. Gas was cheaper there than at home but it was still outrageously expensive. I remember when gas was under 2 dollars. I remember when footlongs were 5 dollars. God I really am getting old.

Perceiving me is now an option

I finally finished that about page I was working on forever now! The biggest thing that was holding it up was an entirely removed section. I originally had another div that I couldn't decide what to do with. I wanted to talk about some of my favorite characters but I couldn't decide exactly how to talk about them. struggled coming to terms with getting rid of it, but I just centered the div that actually had content in it and called it balanced enough :U. And yknow what I just realized? I never updated the about link on this very updates page when I did that. So I guess that's a new thing too heehee.

Graphics? on MY Website? It's more likely than you'd think!

A graphics page is next up on my "major pages to add" itinerary. Though, I should admit I haven't actually started it yet. But what I DO have in the works are a couple of shrines.
no spoilers!

ok you can have some spoilers. the two I've actually started are about Jackie Extreme and Homestuck Classpecting. I've got more ideas though. I definitely want to do a Slothrust shrine at some point. I also might do a Breaking Bad / Better Call Saul shrine too ? I've had design ideas in my head for it for a couple years now that I don't wanna Not use so I'll either make that shrine or use the ideas for something else lmao.